This is the cover of a card I made a few weeks ago for Mother's Day. As the years get on it becomes increasingly difficult to come up with new ways of showing my undying love and appreciation, etc. In the end I decided that the thing my Mom might like best would be to see my brother and I as little kids again! Of course, we are 6 1/2 years apart in age so we never actually looked like this at the same time... We did, however, actually dress like this: my mom handmade sailor suits for my brother and searched out all these fancy old dresses for me in thrift stores. A friend of mine said that we look like something out of a Decemberists song I and I think that was unconsciously what I was going for.
Oh, I used to hate dressing up but now I wish I could wear fancy lace-covered dresses all the time!
For fun and as proof of my mom's somewhat unusual taste in children's attire (for the late 80s and early 90s, anyway), here are some old family photos!
My brother, Patrick, and my grandma in front of the Naval Museum in D.C. (certainly an appropriate outfit for this particular outing):

The Mortons all together for my baptism. I'm the little white paper sack my mom is carrying. I love that expression on her face!

Here I am alone, probably about 3 years old. My hair wasn't long enough to wear in braids yet.

While riffling through old photos in search of the above I uncovered some other cards I've made over the years!
I made this one for my dad to give to my mom on their 17th anniversary. I can't remember which one they're up to now but I think I must have been about 10 or 11:
Unfortunately this one isn't dated but i think it must have been made somewhere around the same time.
This one actually isn't very old at all: it's from Father's Day 08. My Dad likes sitting outside a lot.
Interior (I am the puppet master!):